Interior Redesign for Highest Profits

Career and Business Solutions in Interior Redesign - Train with Barbara Jennings at, the world's leading interior redesign and home staging training center - since 1983.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Redesign Marketing Strategy #2

If you ask the wrong question, you'll get a wrong answer.

Most people ask themselves, "What do I have to say to get people to buy from me?"

Instead, ask yourself, "What do I have to give?" "What benefit can I offer them?"
"What value do I have to share with them?"

You must create and offer value to your clients. There is no place for sales gimmicks. I hate it when I get interrupted by someone calling me and saying, "This isn't a sales call . . . or I'm conducting a survey . . ." Please.

Don't waste my time.

Of what value is it to me to participate in their survey? I'm too busy for that kind of stuff.

So look at your talents and figure out what you have to offer them that will be valuable them. Forget about what's in it for you. That's how you build a successful business.