Interior Redesign for Highest Profits

Career and Business Solutions in Interior Redesign - Train with Barbara Jennings at, the world's leading interior redesign and home staging training center - since 1983.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Managing an Interior Redesign Business

You usually have to wear many hats as an interior redesigner. You are the designer, the marketer, the promoter, the accountant, the mover, the transporter, the janitor.

One thing is certain. To be ultimately successful, you have to take all of these "positions" and mold them into a unified force driven toward one goal. You have to take all that you are, and work your strengths.

You need to work smart and minimize your risks.

That's what I love about redesign. You can be very creative in a client's home, yet your risks are very, very low.

If you fail to direct all of your efforts into one cohesive path, however, it will be because you are not fully committed. This is one of the key components for anyone who wants to succeed.

Sometimes it might require a "moment of truth" in your life. Whether it is recognized as a moment of truth or not, it happens for everyone. It's that moment in time when you see clearly the path you want to take, and you either get motivated or you don't.

A moment of truth can be any event, good or bad, positive or negative. It's that moment when you have a chance to seize the opportunity and make the commitment.