Interior Redesign Industry Specialist
I often get asked about the Interior Redesign Industry Specialist designation. I am not affiliated with this organization for several very good reasons, many because of reports I have received from others that have been part of those organizations and for my own personal reasons as well.
First, it is totally unnecessary to belong to this organization (or any organization). It has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on a redesigner's success or failure. I have never belonged to any association or organization and it hasn't stopped my success one iota.
Second, I wish to remain autonomous. As an independent business entrepreneur, I don't let other people tell me how to run my business. You shouldn't either. Once you join an organization, they sometimes feel they have the right to curtail your business and you have to conduct business according to their policies or you have to leave the organization. Sorry, not for me.
Third, I've never ever joined any business organization, paying their hefty yearly dues. That's another reason why I don't even belong to the Better Business Bureau. I run a totally ethical business, honor all of my promises, give the most extensive information on the internet on redesign and staging, give away tons of free tips and more.
Put your clients first. Make them happy.
Save your money. You don't need organizations for success. Too many people join them and are disappointed because they think membership is some kind of magic wand. It's not.
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