Interior Redesign for Highest Profits

Career and Business Solutions in Interior Redesign - Train with Barbara Jennings at, the world's leading interior redesign and home staging training center - since 1983.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Building Your Self Esteem

Self esteem refers to how you genuinely and deeply feel about yourself.

Your personal self esteem is at the root of all of your behaviour. Always has been; always will be. So if you feel positive feelings about yourself, you will affect your life in a positive manner. But if you have negative feelings about yourself, you will affect your life in a negative manner.

Since you can never ever get away from yourself, doesn't it make good sense to become your own best friend? Doesn't it make good sense to continuously feed into your subsconscious and conscious mind good thoughts about yourself?

People who constantly speak negatively about themselves are people with poor self images. The very fact that they speak the negative all the time brings negative results. The negative results reinforce their negatives thoughts and words.

So it's like a vicious circle.

Break the vicious circle by making a commitment to speak only kindly about yourself, your life and other people. Practice it for 21 days. By the end of that time, you should have broken the cycle. Only then can really good things start to come your way on a regular basis - especially into your interior redesign business.

What you put out in life is what you get back. Remember that.