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Saturday, June 24, 2006

Impressing Others

How many braggadocio people do you know?

Do they irritate you?

I'm totally amazed at the number of people there are, who go on these reality shows or interview shows, and look right at the camera and just go off on themselves. I can't quite figure out if they believe that bragging is just a means of showing confidence for the show, or whether these people actually live their daily lives with such arrogant talk.

I've decided it's the latter of the two.

In reality, bragging is an indication of a poor self image. Bragging is not what self confident people do.

Well, I think I'll make an exception in the case of Donald Trump. Here's a guy who is obviously talented, wealthy and wise, yet he has built a career out of tooting his own horn. Certain personalities can get away with that kind of thing. Bragging has actually made Trump famous. But then, with your last name being "Trump", how can you not be a little arrogant?

For the rest of us, however, bragging is not an asset.

In reality, the LESS you try to impress, the more impressive you ARE.

We all get faced, from time to time, with the temptation to put ourselves up on a pedestal. But, in most cases, it should be avoided at all cost.

Wait and let other people sing your praises. It will mean far more to you when it happens and the positive effect will be far more beneficial to you than if you throw it out there yourself.