Are You Entrepreneurial Material?
Here's one way to know if you're cut out to be an interior redesign entrepreneur:
1. Are you a jack-of-all-trades? Or do you have a gifting in color, design, arrangement techniques? Do you thrive on learning something new and mastering it?
When you own your own business, you have to figure things out on your own, unlike working for someone else. You have to market your skills, decide what to charge, send out advertising, fix your own equipment problems and so forth.
You have to do your own bookkeeping, find the training and technical support you need, even be your own janitor at first. Entrepreneurs wear many hats at first.
You can outsource many tasks but that gets expensive and at first you probably won't want to do that. But you can learn a lot on your own about bookkeeping, computer technology, marketing, management.
Community colleges and libraries are great inexpensive or free sources for additional training. Keep a book by your bed and read a chapter or part of one each night before you turn the lights out.
Turn off the TV an hour early and read or listen to CDs or tapes. Take what you learn and apply it to your venture. Take time out to just relax and think. Take a walk with a friend and brain storm ideas.
The training and support is out there.