Interior Redesign for Highest Profits

Career and Business Solutions in Interior Redesign - Train with Barbara Jennings at, the world's leading interior redesign and home staging training center - since 1983.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Control Who Criticizes You

You've begun your interior redesign business. You're excited. You've got your training under your belt.

Then along comes a distant relative who makes a critical, unsupported comment about you and your business. You go into an instant slump.

Did you know it takes about 15 compliments to overcome one criticism in your life?

Why do we seem to internalize the negative comments so much deeper than the compliments we get? I don't know the answer to that, but I do know that we can control how we react to what people say.

If you find there is a person in your life who is continually bringing you down with a constant barrage of criticism, remove yourself from their presence. You must control, as best you can, the number and level of critical people who can have a negative effect on you.

Life is too short to be made miserable by people who are not supportive of you.