Interior Redesign for Highest Profits

Career and Business Solutions in Interior Redesign - Train with Barbara Jennings at, the world's leading interior redesign and home staging training center - since 1983.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Redesign Self-Worth and Self-Trust

Do you believe you deserve to be happy? Do you believe you deserve to be successful? Many people just don't believe they deserve good things in life.

Case in point. The battered woman who never leaves her husband or boyfriend. Deep down she feels she deserves to be mistreated. She thinks being hit and bruised and knocked around is normal, and certainly doesn't expect life to be any different.

That belief is housed in a very poor sense of self-worth.

Do you trust yourself? Are you a positive person? Do you work hard? Are you responsible? Do you test your limits while staying in control all the time?

If you answered "no", this is an indication of a lack of "self trust". To be successful in life, you have to value yourself and you have to believe in yourself.

While all of us go through moments of self doubt, and sometimes get caught up in comparing ourselves to others, we cannot afford to undervalue ourselves and question our abilities and common sense. If we do that, we will never rise up to great heights.